Sondrestrom Taekwondo Club 1984 - 1986

I marts 1984 rejste jeg til Grønland hvor jeg havde fået arbejde på den amerikanske base i Søndre Strømfjord / Kangerlussuaq. To måneder efter min ankomst startede jeg en Taekwondo Klub. Jeg var på det tidspunkt 1. kup (rødt bælte med tre streger).

Efter nogle måneders træning samlede klubbens medlemmer sammen så vi kunne invitere Sabum-nim Cho Woon Sup til Grønland for at afholde graduering.

Sabum-nim Cho kom til Grønland to gange i de 2,5 år jeg var der og jeg blev gradueret til 1. Dan, i Grønland.

Det første Taekwondo-hold efter den første graduering. Sondrestrom Air Base 1984

Fra venstre (bagerst) GM Cho Woon Sup, Ture, Jan, Knud, Graig, Michael (mig)

Fra venstre (front): Poul, Ivan, Jørgen, Denise, Kim

Det andet hold hvor GM Cho kom til graduering.Sondrestrom Air Base 1985

From left (back) Cho Woon Sup, Eisensee, Niels, Knud, Poul, Ivan, Michael (mig),

From left (front): Per, John, Dorte, Karoline

 July 1984


   A six degree Black Belt Cho-Woon-Sup

from Korea made a visit to the Base Gym, on July 17th, to overlook the graduation of the Tea-Kwon-Do class here on base. Every member of the Sondy Tae-Kwon-Do team graduated and Sondy now has a first-degree Black Belt, chief printer and trainer for the team, Michael Pedersen.

   Mr. Knud Larsen graduated for the Green Belt; and the other 8 members, Ture Sorner, Jan Pedersen, Graig Heinselman, Poul Hansen,

Ivan Skov, Jørgen Lundtoft, Denise Rust and Kim Petersen all graduated for the Yellow Belt.

   Congratulations to the whole team from

The Sun Staff!

Udklip fra den lokale avis "The Sondrestrom Sun"


Korean art form taught at Sondy

by Michael Pedersen, DAC

  On January 19th approximately 70 people, at

the base gym had the opportunity to watch a Tae

Kwon Do demonstration performed by members of the Sondrestrom Tae Kwon Do Martial Arts class and

Master Cho Woon Sup a seventh degree master instructor from Denmark. The students demonstrated defensive skills learned during training while

Master Sup demonstrated years of training and concentration as he broke a stone with his hand.

  Tae Kwon Do is a martial arts form that has

been in existence for at least 2,000 years. This

technique, which was developed in the Republic of

Korea, requires the use of 20% of your hands and

80% of your legs. Today there are about 15 million

Tae Kwon Do students 140 countries who are all

members of The World Tea Kwon Do Federation in

Seoul, Korea.

  Cho Woon Sup, 33, teaches Tae Kwon Do at one

of the biggest martial arts school in Copenhagen.

In Denmark there are 70 Tae Kwon Do schools with

an enrollment of approximately 6,000 members.

  Tae Kwon Do was first introduced at Sondrestrom

in May 1984. Classes here are taught by

Michael Pedersen, a first degree black belt, who

began Tae Kwon Do training in 1980.

  Fifteen people are presently enrolled in

Pedersen’s’ class. The classes are held Tuesdays

and Thursdays from 7 - 8:30 P.M., in the base gym.

For addition information about enrolling contact

the base gym personnel at ext 684.

February 10, 1985             8

Sondy’s Tae Kwon Do students demonstrate the precision and patience needed for mastering this martial art form that was discovered in Korea 2000 years ago.

(U.S. Air Force Photo by 1lt Llelwyn F. Grant)

Udklip fra firmabladet

Base Gym 1985: Master Cho fandt en sten på basen og slog den over med hånden.

Efter gradueringen fejrede vi det i den danske Ro-klub, lidt uden for basen

Master Cho på den frosne fjord